Wednesday 16 October 2013

Eddie Pie Hands LAUNCH!

The time is finally here, the long awaited Eddie Pie Hands Launch! 
Check it out on facebook here. More info after the jump x


Eddie Pie Hands; Zine 101
A few members of the collective will be discussing what zines are, what they mean and demonstrating the easiest way to lay them out and put them together. 

1PM - 2PM
Paddy will be discussing his artistic influences an his zine related work to date

2PM - 3PM
Jane in an email said: 'I would love to give a little chat about my work and make a wee zine with the people who come , I can manage both I am sure , and I dont mind if its 1 or 23 people as long as they're happy :)' 
Isn't she lovely?

3PM - 4PM
Phil will briefly be discussing his zine related work to date and giving a demonstration on how to make your own mini zine!
Example here:

4PM - 5PM
Will be facilitating an exciting discussion on feminism, and how the two combine to make something delicious. 

4PM - 5PM
'I will be showing the kids some different types of zines and then they will work in a group to make a zine of their very own, which will of course include, lots of fantastic drawings! We will then put all of the individual's pages together and photocopy it so that each child will be able to then, if they wish, colour their zine in and take it home!'

In the spirit of DIY story telling we'll also be presenting 

1PM - 4PM
An amazing group that brings people together to tell stories, eat cookies, and drink all the tea. Audience participation is very much encouraged, all ages welcome to participate and listen.

4PM - 5PM
Their mission statement: 'To make accessible, socially engaged spoken word and spoken word theatre, to provide a platform to artists who do the same, and to provide social, playful environments in which this art can be consumed.'
They'll be reciting poetry and generally being amazing.

2PM - 4PM
Delicious vegan burritos will be served up by our very own Osaro Azamosa and Lee Kirwan (suggested donation €5)

If you would be interested in helping with facilitating a workshop, or helping out in any other way please contact us at

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